UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Illumination : the use of lighting to enhance the identity, use and health of a public plaza in Langley City Hetzler, Maureen Elizabeth


This project examines the role of daylight and illumination in the design of urban public space. It explores the 'civic urban public space' in its form as well as its social, health, economic and economic value. It also explores past and present studies in light psychology. Lastly this project examines the history of light - from sun celebration and ritual to the rise of public illumination. The site design proposes one way in which light can enhance the identity, use and health of a plaza in the City of Langley. It emphasizes that plaza design must combine an innovative use of daylight and shadow, as well as illumination. The proposed design uses cycles of the sun and shadow, multifunctional use of illumination, and a variety of light levels and elements. The design aspires to reduce light pollution, demonstrate sustainable technologies and enhance 'sense of community'.

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