UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Multiple-channel security model and its implementation over SSL Song, Yong


Multiple-Channel SSL (MC-SSL) is a new model and protocol to secure client-server communication. In contrast to SSL, which provides a single end-to-end secure channel, MCSSL can provide applications with multiple channels, and each channel can have a various number of application proxies, its own cipher suite and data flow direction. MC-SSL enjoys a few advantages over SSL including end-to-end security and selective security. This thesis first introduces the background and analyzes some security-related problems in client-server communications, especially when resource-constrained handheld devices are involved. The multiple-channel model of MC-SSL is then presented as a solution, and compared with other related work. This thesis further focuses on the protocol design and implementation of MC-SSL.

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