UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Using OOEM to analyze inter-organization process Shuai, Zhengbin


Inter-organization (IO) process streamlining and integration are becoming more and more important in business operations, especially in B2B and supply chain management. Not only will analyzing and modeling IO processes help people on both the business side and the technology side clearly understand the related issues, but it will also allow information system design and implementation to meet business requirements. Compared with the modeling of intra-organization process, modeling IO process necessitates dealing with some special issues such as the interface difference and the rule difference of different organizations. This thesis aims to test the applicability of the object-oriented enterprise model (OOEM), an ontologically based enterprise analysis method, and the OOEM workflow model (OOWM) to a multi-organizational system to help analyze IO processes and stress the related issues. Rules and procedures for the formation of MO-OOEM, an OOEM and OOWM specialization that is used to support cross organization process analysis, are proposed. We use the MO-OOEM object model to describe the structure of the multi-organization system, and the MO-OOEM workflow model to model the inter-organization processes. Sample cases are presented in the thesis to show the details of our method.

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