UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Spiritually sensitive social work : exploring the pagan path Sarson, Darcy Alanna


A description of the Pagan spiritual and religious worldview was developed through phenomenological analysis of data from a qualitative questionnaire that surveyed members of the Atlantic Canadian Pagan community regarding their beliefs, experiences and perceptions. The key beliefs, practices and core issues of the Pagan worldview were identified as: 1) the Divine is immanent in the World; 2) veneration of Nature; 3) interconnectedness of all; 4) magic; 5) honouring of Nature's cycles; 6) individual spiritual authority and responsibility; and 7) celebration of diversity. Also identified were insights the Pagan worldview can offer to enrich the profession of social work: 1) holistic practice models need to incorporate spirituality; 2) commitment to global social justice fostered by interconnectedness of all; 3) individual and societal change demands spiritual engagement; 4) personal responsibility for spiritual path; and 5) embrace and celebrate spiritual diversity.

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