UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

A goal oriented and decentrally controlled workflow model for facilitating exception handling Guo, Huijin


More and more organizations are starting to use workflow management systems (WfMS) to monitor, control and manage business processes. However, currently available commercial workflow systems are rather rigid and cannot meet the requirements of a dynamic and fast-changing business. Exception handling capabilities of the systems are very limited. Some research work has been done to address the issue by extending database technologies in workflow domain. In this thesis, we begin with a brief review of some main workflow concepts and do a survey of current research work on exception handling. We propose a leveled workflow model based on Micro-Organization Activity Processor (MOAP) and Object-Oriented Workflow Model (OOWM), which is an extension of Object-Oriented Enterprise Modeling (OOEM). The MOAP construct is extended with a goal concept and the OOEM service concept. We then propose a mechanism for exception handling which utilizes artificial intelligence technologies such as means-end analysis. We further demonstrate the functionalities and exception handling processes with a web-based simulator by applying some workflow exception cases.

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