UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Greenway as cultural narrative : designing for multiculturalism on Carrall-Ontario Greenway Sim, Sung Ae


Canada is considered to be a multicultural country with a long history of cultural diversity. Yet in the field of landscape architecture, we have been shying away from this facet of society, perhaps due to the politically correct movement or other concerns, and focussing more on environmental issues. This thesis proposes a multicultural approach to landscape design, taking into consideration such issues as cultural diversity, federal multiculturalism, grassroots multiculturalism, narrative, history, sublimation, cultural forms, ethnicity, etc. After historical research about cultural diversity and multiculturalism in Canada and a precedent study of multicultural landscape design, these issues are implemented in the landscape design of a greenway system, specifically t he Ontario-Carrall Greenway System. The greenway has four significant nodes: Old Arrival, Multicultural Theatre, Fig Garden and New Arrival. All of these nodes incorporate multicultural, sublimated forms that unite diverse cultures, while the greenway itself interweaves physically and culturally diverse sites within a framework of multicultural landscape design.

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