UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The WISC-III comprehension and picture arrangement subtests as measures of social functioning : fact or fiction? Arvanitakis, Maria Alexia


The traditional assumption that the Wechsler Intelligence scales Picture Arrangement (PA) and Comprehension (COMP) subtests are interpretable as measures of social competence was tested. Although the assumption has existed for over half a century, there is a lack of evidence to support this contention. Performance on the PA and COMP subtests of the WISC-III was correlated with various indices of social functioning, using multiple sources of information (i.e., participant self-report, teacher report and peer nominations within a normal school-aged population) in a sample of 74, eight to twelve year old children. After general intelligence was partialled out, performance on the COMP subtest related to children's perception of social selfefficacy, and performance on the PA subtest was related to assertive problem solving strategies. No other social measure correlated significantly with performance on the PA and COMP subtests. Results of regression analyses reiterated the correlational analyses suggesting that although there was some modest predictive power for the PA subtest to predict assertive problem solving strategies and for performance on the COMP subtest to predict a child's perception of social self-efficacy, performance on the PA and COMP subtests do not predict the majority of the social skills that were included in the present investigation.

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