UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Remyelination in the central nervous system by transplatation of human fetal glial cells and co-transplantation of insulin like growth factor-1 in the SHIVERER mouse model Xu, Yan


The shiverer mouse is a myelin-deficient animal model for glial cell transplantation studies. Human fetal glial cells and human adult oligodendrocytes were transplanted into shiverer brains. The myelination formed by transplanted oligodendrocytes was detected in the shiverer brain by immunohistochemistry using anti-myelin basic protein (MBP) antibody. Transplantation of human fetal glial cells resulted in myelination in the shiverer brain. There was no myelination observed using human adult oligodendrocytes. Furthermore, co-transplantation of the glial growth factor, Insulin like growth factor-1, with human fetal glial cells also resulted in myelination in the shiverer brain. These observations imply that human fetal glial cells may be the more suitable cell source from the central nerve system for clinical transplantation in human demyelination disease. The failure of human adult oligodendrocytes to myelination may have been due to too few oligodendrocyte progenitor cells. Co-transplantation of glial growth factors may be another possible application for glial cell transplantation in the shiverer mice.

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