UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Sectioning the tower: a mixed-use building exploration in downtown Vancouver Furman, Andrew Derrick


The contemporary city is driven by private interests, leaving the public spaces as a weakly woven system. In such a system public space making is usually the left-over in the composition. By shaping the publicly accessible spaces through the section of the tower, a series of relationships of public/ private occur. Elevating the public ground throughout the city through remedial and new developments brings the public space to a more direct confrontation with the typology of the tower. The site chosen for this exploration of building and public space making is the municipal address of 900 Burrard St. in downtown Vancouver. The block already contains two existing buildings, which represent excellent regional examples of early Modernism; the former BC Electric Building and the Dal Grauer Substation. A programme of hotel, residences, office space, fitness club, cinema, and branch library generate specific scenarios around which the public space negotiates as transitional space.

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