UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The City of Vancouver’s industrial land use planning in a context of economic restructuring Logue, Scott


Industrial land use and economic policy created by the City of Vancouver between 1968 and 1991 is analysed within a context of economic restructuring to illustrate how these types of policies may be improved. Within this time frame, the City of Vancouver had three distinct periods of policy development that were largely delineated by local political and economic factors. The first period was characterised by a liberal-based civic party in control of the local administration, a healthy urban economy, and a post-industrial sentiment that did not support the industrial community and resulted in a significant decrease in the city's supply of industrial land. In the second period, an increasingly left of centre local government was forced to contend with the poor economic conditions of the early 1980s; consequently, the industrial sector and the economy as a whole received considerable attention and support from the local government. The third period was characterised by the re-birth of post-industrialism and a right of centre administration with little interest in economic planning or maintaining an industrial sector in the City of Vancouver. The main lessons to be drawn from this policy analysis are (1) that the modern economy will continue to change rapidly and generate significant consequences and challenges for civic governments, (2) there are benefits to planning for the future rather than simply accommodating change as it happens, (3) the short sighted agendas of politicians need to be tempered by an assessment of the long term consequences of policy development and implementation, (4) there needs to be co-operation between the region's numerous public bodies to ensure complementary policy development across municipal boundaries, and (5) governments need to be proactive and engage in economic planning during both growth and recessionary economic periods in order to embrace new economic opportunities as they arise, mitigate the negative consequences that change often generates, and help produce strategic visions for planning purposes.

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