UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Camerata Bonaccorso, Jose Carlos


This thesis consists of an original composition and an analysis of it. Scored for a small orchestra, the Camerata is approximately 16 minutes in length. The analysis deals with general matters of structure as well as details of harmonic organization that play a specific and prominent role in this work. The piece is to be perceived in four integrated sections. Each section has its own characteristics. However, the sequence from one section to another is functional, so that the piece would not work if the sequence of sections were arranged differently. Section B develops the thematic material of section A. Section C is an outgrowth of section B because of the exchange of the dynamic and static aspects pertaining to harmony and melody. Moreover, as a unifying element, these two central sections show tonal tendencies. Section D rounds off the piece with a concealed texturally decreasing formal design, which balances the crescendo and texturally increasing overall shape of the first section.

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