UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

A prosodic analysis of Nłek̉epmx reduplication Jimmie, Mandy Na’zinek Beverly Dale


N+e9kepmx (Thompson-Salish) spoken in the Pacific Northwest, is morphologically complex, and consequently provides a rich data base for analysis within several different theoretical frameworks. Of particular interest to the present research is the further development of the theory of Prosodic Morphology as applied to the different types of N4e9kepmx reduplication. Although specific analyses of selected reduplicative processes from N4e9kepmx and other Salishan languages have been advanced in the literature, there continue to be many issues which require clarification. It is the intent of this analysis to provide empirical data from the five N+e 9kepmx reduplication types (augmentative, diminutive, out-of-control, characteristic and affective) to support the essential claims of McCarthy and Prince’s theory of prosodic morphology (1.986, 1990), i.e. that templatic morphology does indeed rely on units of the prosodic hierarchy. A further goal is to clarify issues presented in previous analyses, (Thompson and Thompson (1992), Broselow and McCarthy (1983/4), Broselow (1983), and Jimmie and Shaw (1991)). Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the basic N4-e 9kepmx phonological and morphological structure. Chapter 2 discusses the fundamental units of prosodic organization (mora, syllable, foot and prosodic word) and the constraints on canonical structure and consonant clusters. Chapter 3 provides a descriptive analysis of the five types of N+e9kepnix reduplication processes. Chapter 4 discusses the theoretical framework of McCarthy’s Prosodic Morphology (1986, 1988, 1991) and previous analyses ofN4’e 9kepmx reduplication (Thompson and Thompson (1992), Bell (1982), Broselow (1983) and Broselow and McCarthy (1983/4)). Chapter 5 presents a prosodic templatic analysis of Ne’kepmx reduplication and discusses a number of issues and problems that arise from the data in regard to prosodic morphology. In conclusion, each of the reduplication processes is uniquely defined by: whether the base is prosodically or morphologically defined; how extraprosodicity of the base is characterized; whether the reduplicative template is monomoraic or bimoraic; and whether this template suffixes or prefixes the designated domain. Also, several interrelated issues regarding the N1e 9kepmx prosodic analysis still require further research: syllable theory (including internal constituency, moraic representation) and the status of schwas and glides.

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