UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

When it’s gone it’s gone : assessing the effectiveness of heritage conservation support Holman, Leah Lyn


This thesis assesses the effectiveness of the financial and non-financial tools that British Columbia's heritage legislation provides to support investment in the conservation of privately owned heritage properties. Although British Columbia's Heritage Conservation Statutes Amendment Act represents a significant improvement on the previous heritage conservation legislation, conflicts exist between this accepted legal framework and the planning process implemented by local governments. The first stage of the thesis, based on a literature review, describes the historical origins of British Columbia's current heritage legislation. The thesis then describes the various financial and non-financial means by which the legislation supports investment in the conservation of privately owned heritage properties in British Columbia. The next stage outlines a framework for assessing the effectiveness of the heritage conservation support tools available in British Columbia. Using this information, the author conducted a survey with thirteen selected heritage planning professionals. Analyzing the results of the interviews provided a basis for assessing these tools All the interview respondents agreed that the Act has provided local governments with an innovative and powerful range of tools for heritage conservation. Therefore, the issue lies not with the availability of the appropriate tools, nor in any technical impediments to their use, but in the reasons why local governments are not using it to its fullest advantage. Informants reported several limiting factors: the lack of political will to support conservation; a need for technical education for planners; the low profile of heritage in the general public; and the reluctance of government, academic and professional organizations to assume responsibility for heritage conservation. The final stage of the thesis includes a series of specific recommendations that would alleviate some of the most significant barriers to the use of the support tools. This information is intended to enable the Province and its municipalities to provide more effective financial and non-financial support to encourage heritage conservation.

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