UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The Triumf Second Arm Spectrometer System (SASP) Chakhalyan, Jacques A.


The Second Arm SPectrometer (SASP) is a 130 ton 769 M e V / c QQClamshell magnetic spectrometer which pivots at the T2 location on the beam line 4B, and operates simultaneously in a coincidence mode with the existing M R S spectrometer. The new spectrometer was installed during the 1993-1994 and has undergone a series of commissioning runs as a single arm spectrometer. In this thesis two periods of commissioning, Aug. 13th to Sept. 23th and Nov. 18th to Dec.23th are described. The presented materiel is mainly concentrated on the first period which was devoted to the electronics, locating the SASP focal plane, and resolution studies. The second period is presented as a stage of development of different triggers and optics studies. The results obtained are described and analyzed. Although SASP was carefully designed to be operated over a wide range of angles, there is a problem with trying to operate at small angles. The extended field of the first Q l quadrupole is the major source of this problem. In the last Chapter the minimum possible angle for safe operation of SASP is determined. The calculations are based on the developed model of the extended Q l magnetic field.

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