UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Drag reduction of a rectangular prism through momentum injection Dobric, Andrew


Drag of a two-dimensional rectangular prism in the presence of momentum injection is studied experimentally. Moving Surface Boundary-Layer Control (MSBC), achieved here through a pair of rotating cylinders serving as momentum injection elements, was investigated to assess the effect of: (i) tangential velocity (Uc ) of the cylinder surface with respect to the free stream wind velocity (U); (ii) angle of attack (a) of the prism surface with respect to the free stream; (iii) roughness of the cylinder surface. As the wake-body interaction is an important aspect of the associated aerodynamics, frequency of the shedding vortices, as reflected in the Strouhal number, was also monitored. Results suggest that, under optimum combinations of the system parameters, a drag reduction of around 70% can be realized. The study has considerable implication to the drag reduction of road vehicles, particularly the tractor-trailer truck configurations.

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