UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Vessel size imaging of the Shionogi tumour model using contrast enhanced MRI Wade, Trevor Paul


Vessel size imaging is a relatively new technique in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. By measuring the change in the transverse relaxation constants R₂ and R*₂ caused by the injection of a superparamagnetic contrast agent known as ferumoxtran, it is possible to create a map of vessel size index, which is a weighted average of the vessel radius. This technique was used on the Shionogi tumour model to monitor changes in vasculature as a result of androgen ablation by way of castration. A vessel size index map was created for androgen dependent, regressing and androgen independent tumours, and a statistically significant difference between the stages was found. Regressing tumours had the smallest vessel size index followed by androgen dependent and then androgen independent tumours. In addition, a qualitative comparison with Hoechst stained tumours was made.

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