UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Evaluation of new iterative and rebinning reconstruction algorithms in fully three-dimensional positron emission tomography Krzywinski, Martin


An evaluation of new reconstruction algorithms for 3D positron emission tomography is presented. Using phantom and patient data, the standard 3D filtered backprojection algorithm is used to assess the merits of faster alternatives to full 3D reconstructions: FORE + 2D FBP, FORE + OSEM and FORE + SAGE. The phantom figures of merit that are used to evaluate these new algorithms are: resolution, noise, contrast recovery, signal-to-noise ratio, image uniformity and time activity curve variability. Using patient scans, the images are compared to 3D FBP reconstructions by examining the differences in radial profiles, region of interest activity, image root-mean-square, Logan slopes and computational demands. Both phantom and patient data analysis indicates that FORE + 2D FBP performs equally well as 3D FBP in terms of all figures of merit examined, with the exception that image uniformity and time activity curve variability are better than for 3D FBP. One clear benefit in using FORE .+ 2D FBP is that reconstruction is 10 times faster than 3D FBP. Based on the results obtained 3D FBP can be replaced by FORE + 2D FBP with no significant impact on subsequent analysis. Distribution volume ratios obtained with FORE + 2D FBP were different from 3D FBP results by 0.2 ± 0.4 % for cortical input function and —1.5 ± 0.4 % for cerebellar input function. Both OSEM and SAGE performed well, with increased resolution and distribution volume differences being < 3% for either input function.

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