UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Generation of fast electrons in a CO₂ laser plasma interaction McIntosh, Grant W. J.


Fast electrons have been observed in the +k∠ direction for a CO₂ laser plasma interaction. The threshold for fast electron production was found to be 10¹³ Wcm⁻². The number of electrons peaks and decreases for intensities greater than 6 10¹³ W cm⁻². Some possible theories are suggested for this behavior. When a Maxwellian fit to the electron energy distribution was used , a temperature of 121 keV was obtained. The threshold and temperature are consistent with generation by Stimulated Raman Scattering. The number of fast electrons is also shown to increase dramatically as the amount of plasma near .25 n[sub CR] is increased. A computer program was also developed for the interpretation of interferograms.

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