UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

A study of X and gamma rays following muon capture in 28Si Moftah, Belal Ali


Negative muons produced via the backward decay of pions in the M9b beam channel at TRIUMF were stopped in a ²⁸Si target. The energies of the muonic X-rays and nuclear γ-rays following the muon capture were measured in order to identify a Doppler broadened γ ray line in ²⁸A1 which is suitable for analysis in terms of a γ — ν angular correlation to determine a value for the induced-pseudoscalar coupling constant (gp ). The muon beam was also stopped in 6 other background targets ( polythene, A1, stainless steel, Cu, Pb and BGO ) and their X- and γ-ray energies have been studied so as to fully understand the backgrounds associated with such a transition.

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