UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Studies of nematic liquid crystals using the EPR technique Marusic, Marijan


The temperature dependence of the hyperfine splittings and widths of the absorption lines of two different paramagnetic probes dissolved in two nematic liquid crystals with different viscosities are studied using the EPR technique. Special attention is devoted to the changes of the hyperfine splittings and linewidths in the vicinity of the isotropic-nematic phase transition. It is shown that the molecular ordering of the paramagnetic solutes begins before the actual phase transition temperature is reached. Studies of the widths of the absorption lines indicate that molecular motions in nematic phases have different characteristics than those observed in the isotropic phases. It is found that Glarum and Marshall's model does not adequately describe the molecular motions in our nematic phase systems.

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