UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Application of a new technique to the measurement of stark shifts Thiessen, Edwin George


A variation of the classical canal ray source has been developed for the study of the Stark Effect in positive ion lines. Stress was placed on the measurement of small line shifts rather than the attainment of large electric fields. To this end a sensitive shift measuring apparatus employing a linear neutral density filter to translate the line shift into a change in intensity was built. Shifts were measured to an accuracy of about .02 A° in the following lines: He I 5016 A°, 7281 A°, 6678 A°, 3889 A° and Ar I 4272 A°, 4266 A°. No shifts were detected in Ar II 4727 A° and 4806 A°. A discussion of prospective improvements to be made in the apparatus is also included. With these improvements, the apparatus should be capable of measuring shifts to an accuracy of .001 A°.

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