UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Conversion electron and low energy gamma-ray spectrometer. Johnson, John Richard


A conversion electron and low energy gamma-ray spectrometer has been developed using a silicon lithium-drifted semiconductor detector. The spectrometer has a resolution of 2 Kev for 100 Kev electrons and photons under optimum conditions. The energies of these electrons and gamma-rays can be estimated to ±.1 Kev, and their intensities to within ±6% with the standard sources available. The electron capture decay of ¹⁵³Gd → ¹⁵³Eu was investigated using this spectrometer. The branching capture ratios to the 172.9 Kev, 103.2 Kev, 97.4 Kev, and 0 Kev levels of ¹⁵³Eu were found to be 11%, 39%, 39% and 11%, respectively. Possible Jπ values of ⁵ ̸₂ + or ³ ̸₂ + for the 172.9 Kev level, ⁵ ̸₂ + or ³ ̸₂ + for the 103.2 Kev level, and ³ ̸₂ -, ⁵ ̸₂ -, or ⁷ ̸₂ - for the 97.4 Kev level have been assigned. These values are in agreement with those found by other investigators.

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