UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Development of emiprical [sic] and numerical design techniques in burst prone ground at the Red Lake Mine Kumar, Pravin


This thesis is divided into three sections. It presents the development of empirical and numerical design techniques at Goldcorp Inc's Red Lake Mine. The first section expands upon the understanding of the rockburst mechanism at the mine. Four known rockbursts were analysed to better understand the mechanism. Some variables such as excavation span, dip of orebody, time, location and geology were studied in detail to understand its effect on seismicity and rockbursting. The second section explains the updating of the span graph, which can now be applied to cut and fill stopes in burst prone ground. The third section deals with the development of pillar design techniques. Five failure criteria were calibrated to the Red Lake Mine ground conditions from first principles. A design procedure specific to conditions for entry-type mining within burst prone ground is provided. At the center of the procedure is an "empirical span design chart" and "pillar design methodology" for entry-type excavation. This provides a practical tool for a mining engineer to design a stable entry-type excavation within burst prone ground.

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