UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

A sliding wear model and its application to heat exchanger tube wear Chen, JingPing


The objective of this study is to quantitatively determine wear and its main parameter relationships for heat exchanger tube wear. A model has been proposed. The literature of the current state of heat exchanger tube wear study, wear mechanisms, and wear models were reviewed. Tube/disc sliding wear tests were conducted with an impact-fretting testing rig incorporated with an advanced control system and an accurate data acquisition system. These ensured that the test results are reliable. The relationships between wear and normal load, wear and sliding distance, wear and frictional work were determined. Advanced surface analysis techniques were used to better understand the heat exchanger tube wear problem. It was found that the roughness and its standard deviation of the tube and the disc were much the same after wear, but surface roughness was neither directly related to the sliding distance nor to the normal load. Plastic deformation was observed. Oxidation became an important mechanism for carbon steel disc/Incoloy tube combination even at room temperature. Based on the experimental results obtained, it was found that the dynamic model by Lin and Cheng was quite suitable for the heat exchanger tube wear. The calculated results satisfactorily matched the test results. This model has been extented to calculate tube wear depth.

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