UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Bimanual limb interaction Nagelkerke, Paul


In this study I investigated the level of neurological interaction between two limbs performing fast, goal directed bimanual movements, and the extent to which the limbs interact and influence each other during movement preparation and production. This experiment focused upon the effect of symmetric and asymmetric bimanual movements of short and long distances performed simultaneously, specifically interaction in response to a movement blocking perturbation. Differences between the EMG patterns of unimanual, equal distance bimanual, and unequal distance bimanual elbow extension movements of 10 and 50 degrees indicated the level of influence seen in movement planning, while differences in kinematic measures indicated the level of interaction during movement production. Results indicated that there was a high level of influence during movement planning and execution, resulting in highly symmetric EMG patterns, but no detectable interaction between the two limbs during movement execution. Blocking the intended movement of one limb had no effect on movement production of the other limb. Once movement was initiated each limb operated independently, displaying characteristic EMG patterns for unblocked movements and modified EMG patterns due to sensory feedback of a blocked movement.

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