UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Cardiovascular and respiratory fitness improvements in adult women Allen, Graham Donald


The significance of the difference between the group mean scores in each item was determined using Fisher’s t statistic at the 5 per cent level of confidence. The results indicate that the Control group improved significantly in all the Vitalometer items in amounts similar to the mean improvements of the exercise groups. It was concluded that influences other than training effects were responsible for the changes in the Vitalometer test scores. The variables therefore, were of no further interest for this study. The Bonne Santé group evidenced significant improvements in the Heartometer Resting Pulse Rate (this improvement, however, was based on data which appeared to be unreliable and thus suspect)', the Area Under The Curve-Sitting, the Sitting and Standing Systolic Amplitudes, the Two Minute Recovery Pulse Count Post 24 Steps Per Minute. The Rhythmic Gym group showed significant improvements in the Area Under The Curve-Sitting, and the Sitting Systolic Amplitude. The separate training regimens followed by each of the experimental groups were considered to be of insufficient frequency and intensity to produce uniform and physiologically important improvements in the cardiovascular and respiratory fitness levels of the subjects. The Bonne Santé group showed greater relative improvement in fitness partly because the members tended to be less fit initially than the subjects in the Rhythmic Gym group, and partly because they spent more hours in exercise each week.

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