UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The effect of pre-exercise glucose ingestion on performance during prolonged swimming Smith, Gareth James


The purpose of this study was to determine if pre-exercise glucose ingestion would improve 4000m swimming performance. Additionally, glucose was provided at two different feeding intervals to determine the influence of timing. Ten male triathletes ( X ±SD: age 29.5±5.0, V₂max 3.74±0.10 L.min⁻¹) swam 4000m on three occasions following the consumption of either: 1. a 10% glucose solution 5-min prior to exercise (G⁵), 2. a 10% glucose solution 30-min prior to exercise (G³⁵), 3. a similar volume of placebo (PL). Dietary intake and exercise were regulated for 48 hours prior to each trial. Despite a significant difference (p<0.001) in blood glucose concentration prior to exercise ( X ±SD in mmol.L⁻¹: G³⁵ 8.4±1.1, G⁵ 5.2±0.5, PI 5.3+0.4), no significant differences were observed in total time ( X±SD in minutes: G³⁵ 70.7±7.6, G⁵ 70.1±7.6, PI 71.9±8.4min), post-exercise blood glucose ( X +SD in mmol.L⁻¹: G³⁵ 5.1+ 1.1, G⁵ 5.1± 0.9, PI 5.3± 0.4), and average heart rate ( X ±SD in bpm: G³⁵ 155.8 ±10.8, G⁵ 153.6 ±12.6, PI 152.0 ±12.5) (p>0.05). The results of this study indicate that despite a greater reliance on carbohydrate with this mode of exercise, there was no significant improvement in performance following glucose ingestion. The data further indicates that no decrements to performance were observed following the ingestion of a high glycemic solution thirty-five minutes prior to exercise, despite significant differences in blood glucose between trials immediately prior to exercise.

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