UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The interindividual variation, comparison of the state of training, and the effects of prolonged work on running economy Bula, Jonathan E.


The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in running economy between a group of well-trained runners and a group of non-runners. A secondary objective was to ascertain the effects of a prolonged run, near the ventilatory threshold, on the subjects' running economy. Two groups often males (X ± SD: age 25.6 ± 4.8, V0₂[sub max] 4.8 ± 0.7 Lmin⁻¹ for the runners; X ± SD: age 20.6 ± 2.3, V0₂[sub max]3.9 + 0.5 Lmin⁻¹ for the non-runners) performed two running economy tests on three separate occasions. They also performed a prolonged-run, of a maximum of 60 minutes, at an intensity near the subject's individual ventilatory threshold. The prolonged run was followed by two more running economy tests. Despite the statistically significant difference in V0₂[sub max] (p<0.01), the groups did not differ significantly in their running economy. Also, no statistically significant differences were found when running economy was measured as a function of distance (ml kg⁻¹ km⁻¹), and when body mass was scaled to an exponent of 0.75 (ml kg⁻⁰.⁷⁵ min⁻¹ , ml kg⁻⁰.⁷⁵ km⁻¹). The prolonged run had no statistically significant effects on the running economy of either group. The results from this study indicate, that despite a marked difference in training status between the groups, there were no running economy differences elucidated. Also the effects of a prolonged run near the ventilatory threshold were of insufficient duration and/or intensity to significantly affect the running economy of either group.

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