UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Aspects relating to the spread and survival of Phellinus root rot Rusch, David R.


Active and inactive edges of a Phellinus weirii root rot center were compared to see if the reason for the inactivation of part of the center could be explained. The inactivation could not be shown to be the result of differences in root contacts or soil factors. Hypovirulence caused by a dsRNA virus was also investigated as a possible cause for the inactivation of Phellinus root rot centers. A survey of several isolates of P. weirii from British Columbia and the United States failed to reveal the presence of dsRNA in any of the isolates. The possible role of zone lines in the survival of P. weirii was also investigated. The rate of moisture loss from Douglas-fir blocks with and without zone lines was compared to see if zone lines slow the rate of moisture loss from decayed wood. No significant differences (alpha = 0.05) could be detected in the rate of moisture loss of blocks with and without zone lines.

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