UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The indoor environmental quality (IEQ) survey of Canadian households : a focus on indoor air quality, lighting, and acoustics Spetic, Wellington C.


This study examined aspects of the Healthful Living concept in the Canadian housing market. This is a marketing research project which focused on what Canadian householders value and desire in the indoor environment of their homes, particularly the indoor air quality, lighting, and acoustics. A nationwide sample consisting of 3,592 Canadian households was investigated revolving around issues of consumer demand for healthier homes. The major topics assessed were: 1) identification of consumer groups that show an interest in certain aspects of the indoor environment through demographic and psychographic segmentation; 2) measurement of the levels of importance and knowledge of some issues related to indoor environmental quality; and 3) willingness to pay for better indoor environmental quality. Results showed that 56% percent of the respondents are knowledgeable or have heard the term "Healthy House" before. Modeling using a logistic regression algorithm was conducted to determine whether the likelihood of paying more for better indoor environmental quality features could be predicted. Cluster analysis was used to identify consumer groups that valued or were more knowledgeable about some aspects of the indoor environmental quality. Products and materials promoting energy efficiency, natural light, better insulation, and non-allergic qualities were preferred in a choice/preference question of nine attributes regarding Healthier Homes. There seems to be a market and opportunities for the Healthful Living concept to establish itself in the Canadian housing sector which may offer great prospects to the Canadian wood industry and its segments.

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