UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

QoS-routing for MPLS networks through mobile processing Gonzalez Valenzuela, Sergio


The Multi-Protocol Label Switching technology promises to introduce enhanced features to the Internet in the near future, while contributing to the overall end-to-end provision of Quality of Services. However, to achieve such an improvement, this new technology requires enhanced capabilities from routing algorithms currently available. A routing system based on the use of mobile software agents is presented, which offers comparable or better results than those obtained using classical routing paradigms. The proposed scheme overcomes the problems faced by existing routing algorithms, and adapts well to the needs of future networking technologies that support the overall QoS provision. Simulations suggest that the use of mobile software agents facilitate the discovery of routes that meet the Quality of Service constraints, while obtaining efficient routing results based on real-time information. It can be shown that a routing scheme based in mobile processing can minimize the computational complexity of the algorithms significantly. Results also show that the time spent by the routing algorithm during the discovery of QoS-compliant paths follows a logarithmic pattern, as the number of nodes requiring service from the routing algorithm also increases.

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