UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Dual forward packet traffic channel and optimized data rate selection for IS-856 (cdma2000 1 x EV-DO) Dost, Serkan


The IS-856 (cdma2000 1xEV-DO) standard is designed with the intention of only providing delay tolerant high rate data services for cdma2000 systems. It uses packet switched transmission by transmitting only one packet at a time using the entire transmission bandwidth. It uses adaptive data rate transmission by transmitting to users at the highest data rate supportable by the channel. It takes advantage of multiple user environment by selecting users based on the user's channel conditions at the time of transmission. In this thesis, improvements to the performance of the IS-856 system in terms of average system data rates and packet delays are considered. A modification to the downlink to include a second downlink packet channel is proposed . To take advantage of the two user transmission, existing packet scheduling algorithms are modified to schedule two users simultaneously. Simulations including physical layer and system level are used to determine the performance of the proposed system. The modification gives an increase in average data rates and decrease in packet delays. The repetition coding used by the system allows for the creation of variable data rates. In the thesis, a set of optimized data rates are generated for a selected channel model. The data rates are optimized for single user transmission and for two user transmission. These optimized data rates show a performance gain for the system.

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