UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

A six degrees-of-freedom, hydraulic, one person motion simulator Drexel, Peter A. W.


In order to simulate the motion of heavy equipment used in the forestry industry for the purpose of human factors and teleoperation research, we have designed a six degrees-of-freedom, hydraulic, one person motion simulator. In this thesis we derive the inverse kinematics and the jacobian of the platform. We also derive the forward kinematics of the platform using Newton's method and address workspace issues from the point of view of a "singularity boundary." In addition, we look at platform dynamics including the design of the hydraulic actuation system. Based on the results of dynamic simulations, we expect that this motion simulator will provide 9.8 m/s² , 400°/s² accelerations and 1 m/s, 30°/s speeds to a 250 kg payload with 1 m, 45° displacements from a nominal center.

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