UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

An aperture synthesis radiotelescope and a deep sky survey at 22 MHz Dewdney, Peter Edward Forbes


A low-frequency radio astronomy telescope has been constructed at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory for operation at 22.25 MHz. It operates on the principle of aperture synthesis, and has been used to map a region of sky north of declination 70 degrees. The resolution and sensitivity of the telescope for discrete sources are 15 arc minutes and 2 Jansky respectively. The design of the telescope and some of the observations are described herein. The observations were taken during the sunspot minimum, mostly during the winter of 1976. The thesis includes a preliminary map with half the ultimate resolution (30 arc min.). Further data processing is planned. About 300 radio sources have been catalogued and low-frequency spectra defined. Some techniques for wide-field aperture synthesis are described.

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