UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Transmission security-responsible optimal scheduling of hydro-generator operations in a competitive environment Cong, Yanling


Under the development of restructured electrical power industry, the competitive environment of transacting electricity among all the market participants creates more and more challenges to either suppliers or consumers. The goal of suppliers, who own the generating equipment, is to maximize their total profits by selling the electricity. The targets of distributors and consumers are to minimize their expense for purchasing the electricity. With the uncertainty of system demand and electricity market price, it is even more difficult to achieve the objectives of both suppliers and consumers. This thesis presents an approach for short-term optimal hydro-generation scheduling considering transmission system security constraints based on uncertain load and electricity market price. The possible range of uncertain load is forecasted by fuzzy regression model, which was developed by an earlier work in our research group. The market price database is obtained from the analysis of Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland (PJM) market price. The mixed integer nonlinear unit commitment problem is solved by Lagrangian relaxation technique. Securityconstrained economic dispatch is obtained by solving Lagrangian function with first gradient method for the equality constraints. After the feasible solution is reached with all the equality constraints satisfied, the heuristic search consisting of unit substitution and unit de-commitment is used to adjust the solution to satisfy all the inequality constraints. The proposed approach improves the final solution to be the best one achieving the global optimal solution. This approach is tested on a numerical example based on BC Hydro 500 kV network configuration. The results show this approach is applicable to optimize the system operation and gain the maximum profits for power suppliers, while maintaining the system security and reliability.

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