UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Performance of a new cellular channel assignment scheme including handoffs Wong, Gilbert Shu Wai


As the demand for cellular communication services is increasing rapidly, it is important to achieve an efficient utilization of the allocated radio spectrum. To this end, a channel assignment scheme that is consistent with the objectives of increasing capacity and minimizing interference is required. In this thesis, a dynamic channel assignment (DCA) scheme with channel borrowing and re-assignment is proposed. With the channel borrowing and re-assigning strategy, a cell which has no channel available may borrow a channel from an available channel set of its neighboring cells. The performance of the proposed DCA scheme is studied through computer simulations in terms of blocking probabilities and handoff activities. A comparison of blocking probabilities between the proposed scheme and some existing channel assignment schemes is made. In the no handoff case, the proposed scheme can significantly improve the blocking probability of the cells that have a complete set of interfering cells. In the case with handoff, the adaptability of the channel borrowing and re-assigning strategy leads to a significant improvement in handoff blocking probability for both uniform and non-uniform traffic distributions. The proposed scheme also generally has a lower overall blocking probability.

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