UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Assessing the potential for public-private partnerships for civil infrastructure in Latin America Navas Serrano, Johanna


Developing countries throughout the world have accumulated a diverse base of experience with respect to the institutional, regulatory, and financial aspects of building and operating toll road systems. Intending to complete the construction of trunk road networks rapidly, many developing Latin-American countries have already introduced toll road systems. Arguably, however, many of these countries do not yet have clear or comprehensive visions and strategies for the future development and management of their toll road networks. It would therefore be valuable for the policymakers of these countries to learn the lessons derived from the successes and failures of toll road development in other countries in order to formulate appropriate institutional and regulatory frameworks suited to their needs. Each of the selected economies has its own unique institutional and regulatory frameworks reflecting the social, economic, and political environment, which in turn influences the form of toll road investment decisions by the public and private sectors. In this study, both successful and unsuccessful experiences have been interpreted in this context, with the attempt to draw lessons that can be adopted in other countries. The objective of this thesis is, therefore, to analyze some issues and challenges related to private toll road developments in Latin American countries, and explore new schemes to mitigate some problems that often appear in road concessions. The research is illustrated with the regulations and experiences of four Latin American countries.

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