UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Modeling of organizational & contractual view and enhancement of physical view in support of multi-view representation of a project Arsalan, Ahmad


The primary objective of the thesis is to press forward the multi-view representation of a construction project by introducing an Organizational and Contractual View of a project. The multi-view representation of a project supports a comprehensive range of construction project management functions and assists with the knowledge management function to aid management to be efficient and effective. The Organizational and Contractual View provides a comprehensive set of properties of each of the parties involved in the delivery of the project, including contact information, contract information, insurance, bonding, and warranties. The ability to evaluate the performance of project participants during the course of a project is also included in the design of this view. The evaluation matrix covers several categories considered vital for project performance and high productivity. This view when integrated with other project views assists in providing a holistic picture of a project, and directly addresses the information and communication needs of project management personnel. A drawing control system is also developed as part of the Physical View of the project, and facilitates the drawing management and control function. This thesis presents a system of tracking and coordinating architectural, engineering and shop drawings that if applied, can greatly assist in eliminating errors, omissions, mistakes, and duplications. The select, sort and content profiling of Organizational and Contractual view and drawing control system is developed which gives the ability to generate reports using all the associated information across the multi-views of project. This system can further be used for telling the as-built story of the project, which tells what happened as the project was constructed. The concepts developed for both views were implemented and tested in a prototype research system.

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