UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Minimum seismic requirements for masonry walls Chung, Rufus Wai-Kwong


A study by computer analysis was conducted to establish the minimum percentage of steel required in the seismic design of masonry walls with respect to transverse forces. Buildings of masonry load-bearing shear wall and masonry infill-frame construction were studied. The buildings were modelled as plane frame structures. Linear elastic spectral analyses were performed by using the modified computer program DYNAMIC. By examining the response of the models to a peak ground acceleration of 1.0 g, a correlation between the fundamental period of a masonry wall structure and its response accelerations at different height is found, i.e., envelopes of dynamic amplication factor are developed. A new empirical formula for estimating the fundamental period of a structure with masonry walls is recommended. The minimum steel is established in typical wall panels designed for the inertia forces imposed by a major earthquake in seismic Zone 3.

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