UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

A study of the exchange of iodine between ethyl iodide and sodium iodide in formamide Worsfold, Catherine Elizabeth


The exchange system C₂H₅I — I*⁻ was studied in ethyl alcohol solution. The average rate constant for this reaction was 29.9 x 10⁻⁴ moles⁻¹ litre sec⁻¹ at 50.1°C. The exchange of iodine between ethyl iodide and iodide ion was found to be complicated by a reaction of ethyl iodide with the solvent. The kinetics of the simultaneous reaction of ethyl iodide with formamide and the exchange reaction were treated theoretically. Experimentally the ethyl iodide - formamide reaction was found to be of a complex nature. The measured exchange rate constant was approximately 1 x 10⁻² mole⁻¹ litre sec⁻¹ at 25°C which is greater than the rate constant of the same reaction in alcohol solution. The exchange system I⁻ - IO₃⁻ was also studied and k for this reaction was approximately 1 x 10⁻⁴ moles⁻¹ litre sec⁻¹ at 30.8°C.

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