UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Chemiluminescence of acridinium salts Richardson, Donald George


A series of 9-substituted methylacridinium salts have been devised, chemiluminescent in alkaline hydrogen peroxide solutions. Their relative light intensities correspond to the expected order of reactivity with the nucleophilic hydroperoxide anion, and the mechanistic evidence is consistent with the requirement for a four-membered cyclic peroxide intermediate as the direct precursor to chemiluminescence. In every case, the actual emitter is N-methyl-acridone, λ max 442 mμ The brightest compounds are a series of substituted phenyl esters. They have large rate differences (with a Hammett dependence) but have equal quantum yields, equivalent to that of the closely-related "classical" light producer, lucigenin.

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