UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

A comparative study of the effects of non-reciprocal and reciprocal instructional supervision dyads on elementary and secondary teachers classroom management practice Smoliak, Wendy Gay


Given the current teaching concerns regarding autonomy and evaluation, the need to investigate supervision of instruction is both timely and important. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine two approaches to instructional supervision. One supervisory approach was a reciprocal teacher-teacher dyadic relationship. The other supervisory approach was a non-reciprocal administrator-teacher dyadic relationship. This study was part of the Grimmett and Crehan Teacher Development Study (in progress). A multidimensional design was used to analyze the quantitative data from that study. This present study used three statistical analyses (Microsoft Excel 3.0, Profile Analysis, and Systat 5.02) to determine the comparative effects of nonreciprocal and reciprocal supervision dyads on elementary and secondary teachers' classroom management practice (managing instruction, room arrangement, and pupil behaviour). Teachers' classroom management was the means by which the two types of instructional supervision were investigated. The findings from all three analyses were consistent. The results suggested that there were no significant differences in teachers' classroom management practice between non-reciprocal supervision dyads and reciprocal supervision dyads. The sample selection and the Classroom Management Rating (CMR) scale may have contributed to the lack of differentiation between the two types of supervision dyads. Furthermore, because the results indicated no significance difference, the study could not: (a) confirm nor disconfirm the Grimmett and Crehan Study (1988), (b) validate the literature pertaining to the differential effects of non-reciprocal and reciprocal instructional supervision, (c) speculate about the changing role of school administrators as instructional supervisors.

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