UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

The development of a sociocultural curriculum in Nigerian studies : an integration of ethnomusicology and social studies Ezegbe, Clement Chukuemeka


The purpose of this study was to develop a curriculum for ethnomusicological education in Nigerian elementary schools based on the integration of ethnomusicology and social studies. The aims of the curriculum were identified so as to be consistent with the aims of the Nigerian education system and in particular with the recently expressed aims of the Nigerian social studies curriculum which is intended to foster inter- and cross-ethnic communication and understanding and national identity in a country which contains more than 250 ethnic groups. A consideration of appropriate curriculum content led to the identification of five basic concepts in ethnomusicology and five concepts basic to social studies. The integration of these concepts into a unified curriculum was made through an Identity Approach which permitted the identification of relevant cognitive, affective and skill objectives and indicated appropriate learning processes. Three curriculum units were developed in detail and field tested in upper elementary classes in two elementary schools in southeastern Nigeria. This field testing—the classroom phase of the curriculum development— involved 120 students, ten teachers and the administrators of the schools. The staff were given instruction in the curriculum materials and the Identity Approach following which the students were engaged in twenty-four sessions and covered the three units which had been developed. The results of the classroom phase were studied from students', teachers' and administrators' opinions and recommendations and their responses to four opinionaires. All responses indicated a high degree of student interest in the project and evidence of an increase in inter-and cross-ethnic understanding and respect. Teachers found the project to have contributed to their professional development and both teachers and administrators reported community interest and involvement. Problems identified by the staff and administrators related to inadequate funds and provision of materials or equipment. Administrators also noted the need for involvement by the Ministry of Education if widespread implementation were to be contemplated.

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