UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Transformations : the spiritual dimension of learning recovery from addictions Marie, Victoria


Spirituality has been largely unexplored as a factor in recovery from addictions. This research investigates the recovery experiences of professionals and volunteers who work in the area of recovery services in order to explore the role of spirituality in the learning processes that transformed them from substance abusers into individuals who abstain from using their drug of choice. The participants in this study are former addicts who now serve as outreach workers, mentors, peer and professional counsellors to people with addictions. This study explores the questions of how powerlessness and surrender translate into sustained recovery as well as how helping others assists in maintaining one's own abstinence from drugs and alcohol. The primary research question is: What can this study tell us about the role of spirituality in the learning process of recovery from addictions? The research methodology included in-depth semi-structured interviews, informal conversations and self study. Through exploring the participants' stories and further examination of the literature, this study deepens understanding of the role of spirituality in recovery from addictions and presents spirituality as the catalyst that influenced the participants to compassionate service with people still in active addiction.

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