UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

What counts : education knowledge management practices Glickman, Victor


This study examines the concept of working knowledge management with respect to the North Vancouver School District as exemplified by their practices related to generating, capturing, and disseminating 'Know How' and promoting informed professionalism. The North Vancouver School District was found to be comparatively "advanced", or knowledge-rich, in terms of its data use and knowledge translation capacity. The thesis explores an important area of school district organization and leadership. It examines the school district's response to issues of accountability and improving student improvement. The case study examines the district's understanding of, and capacity for, working knowledge management. In this setting, one finds educators struggling to acknowledge that their instructional ideas and practice can be made visible and are improvable; struggling to foster a culture of collaboration and interaction within and across schools or among teachers; and struggling to systematically manage their working knowledge. The British Columbia Ministry of Education planning and information processes are dominated with concerns about input and outcome data. The education system appears to ignore schools' instructional practices from enquiry, discourse, and change. I believe that knowledge management literature provides a useful tool to examine school district practices. Working knowledge management practices in this study are used as generic factors to examine education system practices that can facilitate change. The models presented in this thesis together offer vehicles for school district leaders to inform their consideration of how they manage their working knowledge activities.

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