UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Textualities of a teacher’s school/ing : reflections on pedagogy as negotiation, paradox and hope Russell, Bruce David


This analytical narrative as education/al study attempts to relieve various doubts experienced by the pedagogue who is distressed by the frequently unplanned curriculum as lived. It offers possibilities through reflection upon the enriching aspects of school predicaments. When the space between teacher and student is fraught with unpredictable, paradoxical school relations, teaching requires reflection that explores aspects of pedagogical uncertainty. By entering into multiple voices with a thoughtful and hopeful eye, teachers may reflect upon interactions around the language in a school as part of a continuing and challenging learning process for their teaching that questions certain schooling beliefs. The writing projects my teaching voice into voices in and around an inner city elementary school, where the opportunity to engage learners creates an unpredictable personal textual journey. Intertextuality is extended to encompass various interconnecting school - or school/ing - relationships. In turn, text is contemplated in the spaces of a school. Negotiating textual authority becomes a contiguous, connected action for exploring sites of linguistic indeterminacy and ambiguity of language that leads to discovery in the classroom. This intertextual classroom sensibility re/constitutes teaching and learning opportunities via an expanded definition of text in school/ing and education.

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