UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Transforming through education-in-Literature : a Hermeneutics of human Be(com)ing Javed, Sohaila


This collective of essays offers a cross-cultural exchange of ideas and ideals from East and West, and interdisciplinary experiences as a stepping stone to that "dialogue of civilizations" (Giri, 2002) needed today as antidote to minimalist monoculture. This thesis happens when one takes seriously the problem of human life and human relationships, and sees the problem of ego as the central disturbance in the human condition. Its educating Acts pirouette us throughout around the transforming question: What Is to be Done in Education that sustains the possibility of life and peaceful coexistence of all human beings? This conceptual study uses hermeneutics as a creative orientation, and explores the possibility offered by Heidegger's Become what you are. Inviting the spirit of Education for the Selfdevelopment of human individuals with humanity as a praxial engagement for educational disciplines, this aspirant brings Self under focus, and in the realm of othering that assists our understanding of human meaningfulness. This makes intelligible the ethical demand for the healthy human Relations that are the passionate subject of literature and poetry. The recovery of these phenoms of educative culture, as a rich creative resource, is the kind that Gadamer, Ricoeur, and Huebner had seen as an imago to hermeneutics and, with anxious beqarari, sees Literature as the culturing humanistic pedagogy in the service of human transformation. As a solemn offering to Education, this inquiry asks educators worldwide to acknowledge that all our pedagogy is ultimately an act of the feeling heart evoked in artful commitment to knowing oneself and one another. It charts the pathway of aesthetic ethics that mobilizes a spiritual supplement of embracing all others in human intimacy, and presents multiplural text that has "Interdisciplinary experiences; many forms of expression; poetry and its visual interpretation; interpretations of Literature and experience of literature; narrative, autobiography and biographies; conversations and collaborative actions; multilingual exchanges; many language displays that characterize art and artistic forms, and are the heart of compassionate communication praxis". Speaking the language of poetry to the large human community, this inquiry seeks Transforming through education-in-Literature with unique human Be(com)ing in the birth, self-realization, and affirmation of humanity.

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