UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Intersensory memory ability for graphic symbols and word-name correspondences in grade 2 boys Seaton, Mary Lyell


The tasks chosen for this study were intersensory memory tasks of graphic symbols and word-name equivalents. Each task involved a learning activity in which three pairs of graphic symbol and word-name correspondences were presented visually and auditorially respectively, employing the apparatus called the Caramate 3300. The subjects were 78 grade two Above-Average, Average and Below-Average readers from a school district in the Lower Fraser Valley in B.C. Following the learning session a response interval of five seconds or five minutes was imposed. After the response interval had expired, each equivalent of the pair was presented separately, either visually or auditorially. Each subject was required to respond with the corresponding counterpart, either auditorially or graphically, or matching the equivalents by pointing. The six intersensory memory tasks were scored for the number of correct responses on three items per task. The resulting scores were viewed as entries in a three-way ANOVA: Reading Ability x Response Interval x Presentation-Response Mode, yielding a 3 x 2 x 3 ANOVA with repeated measures on the second and third factors. All factors were fixed. Standard ANOVA procedures revealed a statistically significant Reading Ability x Presentation-Response Mode interaction. That is, a subjects ability to remember one-to-one graphic symbol and word-name correspondences was dependent on both his word recognition ability level and the type of presentation-response mode presented. A statistically significant Response Intervalx Presentation-Response Mode interaction was present as well. That is, for all subjects their ability to remember one-to-one word-name and graphic symbol correspondence was dependent on both the response interval imposed and the presentation-response mode presented. Some of the results suggested that a dual processing route was employed to access lexical information (McCusker, Hillinger, and Bias, 1981). In addition, the suggestion was put forth that what previously has been interpreted to be a memory deficit may be simply a reflection of a developmental hierarchy of this cognitive skill under different presentation-response mode conditions. The implications of the interactive roles of Reading Ability x Presentation-Response Mode and Response Interval x Presentation-Response Mode were explored relative to education and recommendations for future research were presented.

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