UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

What facilitates and hinders recovery from traumatic brain injury : a critical incident study Hayoun, Revital


Recovery from traumatic brain injury (TBI) involves more than just the physical dimension or just the time period in which a person is involved in a rehabilitation program. In fact it is during the post rehabilitation phase, with its concomitant changes in routine, that behavioural difficulties emerge and recovery becomes an ongoing process of adjustment. The purpose of this thesis was to discover what facilitates and what hinders recovery from traumatic brain injury (TBI) for late adolescents upon discharge from rehabilitation. The Critical Incident Technique (Flanagan, 1954) was employed to elicit the different resources that assist/encourage and hinder/discourage recovery from TBI as reported by the individual. Six late adolescents with mild-moderate TBI were interviewed one to eight years after their injury. A total of 165 critical incidents were extracted and organized into 16 categories describing what late adolescents with TBI experienced to enhance their recovery. Following extensive validation procedures, the scheme of categories was found meaningful and useful for both counselling and research. In addition, the internal and external types of motivation involved within the 16 categories were discussed. It is hoped that the findings of this study will provide the groundwork for future research in developing assessment tools and treatment programs.

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