UBC Theses and Dissertations

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UBC Theses and Dissertations

Reliability and validity of the career decision-making difficulties questionnaire Arnold, Renata


The Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ; Gati, Krausz, & Osipow, 1996) is a relatively new career inventory which purports to measure all areas of problems related to career decision making. This purported ability to identify specific features relating to the individual's career decision making difficulties indicates that the CDDQ may have the potential to be a significant new tool for the career counseling process. This study assessed the reliability and convergent and discriminant validity of the CDDQ on a Canadian population. The sample included 139 Kwantlen University College students. Discriminant validity was assessed using a measure of anxiety, the STAI. Convergent validity was assessed using a measure of career self-efficacy, the CDSE-SF. As hypothesized, the correlation between the CDDQ and the CDSE-SF was negative (-.60). However, contrary to the expectation that the measure for discriminant validity would show a considerably weaker correlation with the CDDQ than the measure for convergent validity, the study found positive correlations between the CDDQ and the State sub-scale of the STAI at .48, and with the Trait sub-scales at.52. The statistically significant relationship between the CDDQ and the STAI-S and STAI-T indicates the CDDQ was affected by state and trait anxiety. The implications of the findings for the future use of this measure for the Canadian career counseling process are discussed.

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